Ausdaver has been in the family since 1860 but it looks like there were volcanic activities on this farm a "long" time ago.

Evidence of stone age an Iron age were also found on the farm. 

Early Stone Age: 1.3 million years old to 325 000 years old.

Middle Stone Age: 325 000 years old to 28 000 years old.

   Late Stone Age: 28 000 years old to 2 000 years old.

Iron Age: 1 800 years old to 150 years old.


 From Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Beginning of the Stone Age

The oldest known stone tools have been excavated from several sites at Gona, Ethiopia, on the sediments of the paleo-Awash River, which serve to date them. All the tools come from the Busidama Formation, which lies above a disconformity, or missing layer, which would have been from 2.9-2.7 mya. The oldest sites containing tools are dated to 2.6-2.55 mya.  One of the most striking circumstances about these sites is that they are from the Late Pliocene, where previous to their discovery tools were thought to have evolved only in the Pleistocene. Rogers and Semaw, excavators at the locality, point out that:

"...the earliest stone tool makers were skilled flintknappers .... The possible reasons behind this seeming abrupt transition from the absence of stone tools to the presence thereof include ... gaps in the geological record."

The excavators are confident that more tools will be found elsewhere from 2.9 mya. The species who made the Pliocene tools remains unknown. Fragments of Australopithecus garhi, Australopithecus aethiopicus and Homo, possibly Homo habilis, have been found in sites near the age of the oldest tools.

End of the Stone Age

Innovation of the technique of smelting ore ended the Stone Age and began the Age of Metals. The first most significant metal manufactured was bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, each of which was smelted separately. The transition from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age was a period during which modern people could smelt copper, but did not yet manufacture bronze, a time known as the Copper Age, or more technically the Chalcolithic, "copper-stone" age. The Chalcolithic by convention is the initial period of the Bronze Age and is unquestionably part of the Age of Metals. The Bronze Age was followed by the Iron Age. During this entire time stone remained in use in parallel with the metals for some objects, including those also used in the Neolithic, such as stone pottery.

The transition out of the Stone Age occurred between 6000 BCE and 2500 BCE for much of humanity living in North Africa and Eurasia. The first evidence of human metallurgy dates to between the 5th and 6th millennium BCE (Before the Common Era) in the archaeological sites of Majdanpek, Yarmovac and Pločnik (a copper axe from 5500 BCE belonging to the Vincha culture) and the Rudna Glava mine in Serbia. Ötzi the Iceman, a mummy from about 3300 BCE carried with him a copper axe and a flint knife.

In regions such as Subsaharan Africa, the Stone Age was followed directly by the Iron Age. The Middle East and southeastern Asian regions progressed past Stone Age technology around 6000 BC. Europe, and the rest of Asia became post–Stone Age societies by about 4000 BC. The proto-Inca cultures of South America continued at a Stone Age level until around 2000 BC, when gold, copper and silver made their entrance, the rest following later. Australia remained in the Stone Age until the 17th century. Stone tool manufacture continued. In Europe and North America, millstones were in use until well into the 20th century, and still are in many parts of the world.

Beginning of the Iron Age

The Iron Age is the archaeological period generally occurring after the Bronze Age, marked by the prevalent use of iron. The early period of the age is characterized by the widespread use of iron or steel. The adoption of such material coincided with other changes in society, including differing agricultural practices, religious beliefs and artistic styles. The Iron Age as an archaeological term indicates the condition as to civilization and culture of a people using iron as the material for their cutting tools and weapons. The Iron Age is the 3rd principal period of the three-age system created by Christian Jürgensen Thomsen for classifying ancient societies and prehistoric stages of progress.

In historical archaeology, the ancient literature of the Iron Age includes the earliest texts preserved in manuscript tradition. Sanskrit literature and Chinese literature flourished in the Age. Other text includes the Avestan Gathas, the Indian Vedas and the oldest parts of the Hebrew Bible. The principal feature that distinguishes the Iron Age from the preceding ages is the introduction of alphabetic characters, and the consequent development of written language which enabled literature and historic record.

The beginning of the Iron Age in Europe and adjacent areas is characterized by forms of implements, weapons, personal ornaments, and pottery, and also by systems of decorative design, which are altogether different from those of the preceding age of bronze. The work of blacksmiths, developing implements and weapons, are hammered into shape, and as a necessary consequence the stereotyped forms of their predecessors in bronze, which were cast, but are gradually departed from, and the system of decoration, which in the Bronze Age consisted chiefly of a repetition of rectilinear patterns, gives place to a system of curvilinear and flowing designs. The term "Iron Age" has low real chronological value, for there is not a universal synchronous sequence of the three epochs in all quarters of the world. The dates and context vary depending on the geographical region; the sequence is not necessarily true of every part of the earth's surface, for there are areas, such as the islands of the South Pacific, the interior of Africa, and parts of North and South America, where the peoples have passed directly from the use of stone to the use of iron without the intervention of an age of bronze.

Places of interest - Hiking Trails

Mountain and dam 

This grass does not grow on the farm. 


 Old Clay Mine

Old Farmhouse 

Ausdaver Artifact Collection 


Spinifex is a genus of perennial coastal grasses. They are one of the most common plants that grow in sand dunes along the coasts of Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia. As they help stabilise the sand, these grasses are an important part of the entire sand dune ecosystem. Of the four species three are indigenous to Australia and one to Indonesia. The single species indigenous to New Zealand, Spinifex sericeus, is also found in Australia.

 Confusingly, the term "Spinifex" also refers to grasses in the related genus Triodia. Triodia however is native to inland Australia and refers to a group of spiny-leaved, tussock-forming grasses.


 Rock Table

Frank was born in this building 

Broken Bored Stone (Bored vertically and horisontaly) 

Article about Orbs 


By Carlos Tavares


So what are Orbs?

Orbs are pure conscious intelligent entities. Conscious balls of energy. They are round because it is the most simple and efficient form that exists. Many different kinds of orbs exist. You could also call them a type of spirit or soul. For example when we die and continue after on a higher level we are in the form of an orb and then if we chose to reincarnate we then again have a "material" body. Yes you say, but what about the ghostly human forms that are also sometimes caught on camera. These are plasma fields, in the shape of a person or whatever shape the entity wants to project. These are often beings you have passed away and do not want to let go and in an extreme attempt to "stay" or even contact us produce these types of plasma fields. (The different levels of "matter" are firstly solid matter like a piece of rock, then liquid like water, then air or gas, then plasma). We too can project a plasma field and this too can be caught on camera.

So there are different types of orbs. An entity orb has a pattern inside of it, normally some type of circular structures. But there are also thought orbs. When you have a powerful thought or the entity orb has a powerful thought, it too can be caught on camera. These are normally red in colour with no patterns inside. You will see that the orbs can be of different colours. It is possible that the colour represents the level or realm where they originate from. Let me explain. So we were created from the origin, called Point Zero, from supreme God, whatever you want to call it. From this Point Zero, seven levels were create, picture a triad, with point zero at the top of the triangle as a black dot, then seven different levels, each becoming wider as you reach the bottom level. As you drop the frequencies slow down, matter becomes denser. When you get to the lowest level at the bottom, this level is where we are at now. It is called Hertezan, everything you see around you now, the material world. The next level above us is Infrared (colour red), then visible light, then ultraviolet blue (colour blue), then x-ray (colour gold), then gamma ray (colour rose), then infinite unknown (colour golden rose) at the top of the triad. These colours are important because these are colours actually observed by entities who have ascended or who have always "travelled" between these seven realms/levels.

Another type of orb is a small pure white orb. These are believed to be observers from the future. There is much more that can be caught on digital, even advanced types of machines, recording and observing us from a higher source, sent by higher intelligence. This field is so vast we are just beginning to scratch the surface.

So how do we start to photograph these orbs and other phenomena?

By using a digital camera. Why digital? Because it is the best format to capture this phenomena. The camera is totally unbias. It only takes what is there and has no "mental" blocks or dis-beliefs preventing it to see what is there. The best is to use a camera that has between 3 and 5 mega-pixels, not bigger. The funcier cameras have infra red filters that filter out the orbs. Always use a flash, even in the daytime. You can then mentally or physically call the orbs to come and simply snap away, soon you will start to capture them. It is important to be in a relaxed state of mind and preferably in a natural setting. In your garden, in an area of natural beauty and tranquillity seems to give the best results.

The importance of knowledge

Our eyes do not see. They are only lenses, like the aperture of a camera. They only allow the different angles and reflections of light through. This info is send by the optic nerve to our brain. Our brain is what actually sees. It collects the info from the eye and fills in the gaps, through the law of association. Associating with what it has received with what is in its memory bank, therefore creating or forming an image for you in your frontal lobe, giving you the perception of what you see, or what you think you see. If you do not have the necessary knowledge in you brain you will not be able to see what is in front of you. Literally the more you know the more you can "see". This is especially true when we are talking about phenomena like orbs. But also applies to everything else. Seeing fairies, extra terrestrial, UFOs, etc.

Another important point is that we are vibrating at 8.5 hertz. That is our frequency, the material world you see around you now. We cannot see what vibrates higher than our frequency, but can "see" what vibrates at our same frequency and what vibrates lower than 8.5 hertz, denser matter. How do we see these higher frequencies? By raising our own frequency through our minds.

Capturing these orbs is the first step in acquiring knowledge to be able to see them without a camera. Everytime you look at an orb photo or even better if you take the orb photo yourself, you are building a new neuro-net in your brain. Activating or opening a new file, let's say. Through repetition and the acquisition of more and more knowledge you start to see, what was not possible to be see before.


So many of you have started to capture your orbs with your digital cameras. Different colours, different patterns like fingerprints. Some people capture the same orb several times in different places seemingly showing a particular interest to our activities.

We have also caught our own orbs while doing remote viewing. Remote viewing is were you project your mind to see an unknown in a different location. For example if someone had to put an unknown object in a sealed box and you go view what the object is consciously. While you are viewing this object your consciousness can be captured as an orb near the box for example.

So if we had to take this on a grander scale, imagine a much more advanced spiritual race of beings living in another Galaxy. They have perfected the art of remote viewing so they are able to project their consciousness anywhere, not even limited by time and space. So they could even travel back in time or into the future to view an event. They have no need to watch television! They can learn and observe other realities and civilizations truly as they are. So many of the orbs that we are capturing could indeed be some of these entities from elsewhere.

And if we had to take this even further on a grander scale as ourselves connected to all of creation, where we have different bodies of frequencies but all living in different frequencies or realms and different times and even in different parallel existences simultaneously. Could it be that some of the orbs that we are capturing are actually ourselves, a part of us coming here to observe one of its other parts. One or more of those orbs could be you. You as a more advanced being coming back even from the future to learn and see and participate in what it was once before and what it will become.

When we have out of body experiences we too travel as an orb. A smaller and faster frequency part of ourselves capable of going anywhere at the speed of thought, instantly.

The other point I often come across is the sceptical point of view on the orb phenomena. Many sceptics say they can capture orbs by creating dust or moisture in the air then photographing this and capturing orbs. This is true to a certain extent but we have to then understand on a deeper level what is happening. Everything in our reality or present hologram was originally created from a though, everything. Everything that we see and is around us was first a though. A thought in the mind of God, another God or the God inside of our very selves. For we too can create anything out of nothing from the Void. So everything that we are aware of is consciousness and energy. Consciousness the thought and energy the desire to have that thought manifest into reality or into illusion, depending how we look at it. So even that spec of dust or molecule of water is consciousness and energy. So are we capturing the true essence of this dust when we photograph it and it appears as an orb? But we don't always capture orbs in such sceptical experiments. The orbs have a mind of their own. You can take a sequence of photos in the exact conditions, say for example six. And only one of those six pictures has dozens of orbs and the others nothing. A sign of intelligence and co-operation!? There are so many types of orbs and phenomena and we have so much to learn still.

So where do we learn about the greater realities, how to manifest greater lives for ourselves, how to take back the power and be sovereign again. Where do be learn about the future and how to create our own future. Where do we learn about orbs and other dimensions and other entities? Some of you may have seen the movie "What the Bleep do we Know", this is a god start. Most of what I have mentioned above comes from the teachings of Ramtha. Ramtha is a thirty five thousand year old entity, an ascended master, who has returned to our present time to teach us who we really are and to give us the knowledge to once again be truly remarkable. I am a student of this Ancient School of Wisdom and if you too are a seeker of knowledge and truths there is no better place to learn. The Orb Phenomena is but one of many things that we learn about.

Happy orbing

 Different colours, different patterns like fingerprints. Some people capture the same orb several times in different places seemingly showing a particular interest to our activities. 

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